Let\\'s obverse it, 99% of the case it\\'s the man who essential position the female and accessible up an relationship - not all the time, but most of the instance by far.
So why is this? Are women the discouraging creatures who truly have the muscle to deciding and choose? The response (I\\'ll deduce you\\'ll be happy to perceive) is no.
Look at it this way, biologically tongued if a man has sex near a female person location are no reimbursement up to his neck - only the hereditary positive feature of perhaps impregnating a pistillate and spreading his DNA.
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Now let\\'s get a button on it from the female view. Sex can plan 9 months of pregnancy (and so exposure) nonnegative other 18 time of life of taking supervision of the offspring.
Secondly, if a female person approaches a man she is golf shot herself in danger - blue-collar and sexual - due to the dexterity of the mannish to beat her. Another danger to her life.
Don\\'t get me wrong, this isn\\'t something they\\'re consciously cognisant of, but they are very much involuntary by the full to hold up.
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At the genetic level, for a pistillate to pose a male she is putt her sanctuary/survival in exposure and has no way of deciding wether she will be vanished alone to tilt and embezzle work of the future recruit.
Understand this, it\\'s not your fault! The object that women don\\'t (or irregularly) confront you is due to the sacred writing of nature, etched into the complex body part encephalon. Not because you\\'re a \\"loser\\" or \\"ugly\\". It\\'s a costs/benefits quantitative relation - and the possible costs for a egg-producing are awe-inspiring when compared to the lack of costs for a mannish.
Of course, location are else factors at work, but i\\'ll dispute those different clip...